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Detached property, hosted by Gareth

Vaillant air source heat pump in a 1965 - 1982 property


When I started to consider a heat pump I did not know anyone who had one, but plenty people told me of scare stories they had heard or read. After a lot of research, I was satisfied that if designed competently a heat pump would be fine. As this is now borne out, I'm keen that others get to see in-use evidence, to balance the scare stories. I'll wait until it is colder to set a date for visits, but if you are keen to see it sooner, send me a message and I can probably oblige.

Joined the network in 2024

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About this property

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Harpenden, AL5

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4 bedrooms

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Air source heat pump

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Installed by Top Plumb

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EPC rating: B

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Cost of energy bills per year: We were using 15000 kWh of gas

Installing the system

Six radiators replaced. Bigger HW cylinder. Switch from cold water cistern to mains pressure, which may have been a mistake.
Some issues with a suitable route for the piping from the heat pump to the cylinder cupboard, but the installer found a very neat solution.
Installation went well - 8 working days start to finish.
I got lots of quotes, including Octopus, Heat Geek, Aira and Good Energy, so I can tell you my experience with them, too.

Living with a heat pump

So far, good. Very quiet (inside and out). Crucially, it has kept the house warm, even in the cold snap of mid November 2024. So far, we seem to be on target for the SCOP I was promised, but won't be sure until a full season is over.

Hosted by Gareth

They have already held 1 event.

Message Gareth if you want to ask them something about their heat pump or the process of getting one installed. Click request a visit above if you want to arrange a visit.

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Accessing the venue

ample parking on road outside