Detached property, hosted by John
Heliotherm air source heat pump in a post 2003 property
In a new house and wishing to go all electric it was the obvious thing to do. Low carbon, synergy with solar Pv and batteries. We are keen to promote heat pumps as we have seen the benefits we and other people have achieved
Joined the network in 2024
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Hungerford, RG17
4 bedrooms
Air source heat pump
Installed by Earth Save Products
EPC rating: A+
Cost of energy bills per year: Very low!
Installing the system
Living with a heat pump
Hosted by John
Visiting my heat pump: Our house was a new build in 2019 but as a member of a local environmental group I have been actively involved in several other heat pump installations which I can talk about
Message John if you want to ask them something about their heat pump or the process of getting one installed. Click request a visit above if you want to arrange a visit.
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Parking on site, level access